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If You Wake Up, You Can Get Up!

Writer's picture: tamekiamiltontamekiamilton

Updated: Apr 6, 2021

Tamekia Milton Ministries

The classic 1988 Spike Lee joint, School Daze, offers a cinematic depiction of the one of a kind Historically Black College and University experience. The notability of this movie is not solely based upon the phenomenal portrayal of the HBCU culture that endears the heart of many who like me, are a product thereof. It’s the political rhetoric and social movements used to raise awareness of injustices and inequalities during that time (and today), that adds to the film’s popularity. The unforgettable line “Wake Up” exclaimed at the end, charges and challenges us to consciously take note of the disparities and ism’s in society, which plague and limit the efficacy of liberty and justice for all. Being the Christian spiritual teacher and activist that I am, I see a parallel between these social problems and the emotional, psychological, and spiritual dilemmas that cause an impasse in the lives of many. The natural conditions inform one’s perception of self, which influences how a person relates and responds to themselves.

Waking up is a natural sign of your ability to rise from a state of inactivity. Getting up exercises your innate drive, determination, and dedication, which motions towards activity. When you wake up, that is a cognitive gift God graciously grants you each day to be alert and coherent. But to get up, there must be an inward stimulation of your physical mobility to pursue and take action. Both are spiritually activated and divinely fostered by authority. If both are not operating in tandem, you remain in a state slumber. In order to witness change in your life and in the world, not only must you Wake Up, but you have to Get Up!

You must press beyond discomfort, press beyond defeat, press beyond doubt, and press despair, by fostering your capacity in the Word of God and the things of God. I know these are difficult times. Many are hard pressed on every side, loosing hope, loved ones, and dismayed by unchanged predicaments beyond COVID-19. Plainly put, the struggle is real. I dare not simplify the tedious test and trials plaguing the just and the unjust. Yet, as a Believer, your capability to get up is not predicated on the nature of a problem, issue, or circumstance, it’s you! “Because, the One who is in you, is greater than the one who is in the world.” (1 Jon 4:4) Whatever adverse situation or spirit that troubles you and seeks your demise, is subjected to the power of the spirit of God in you! No matter what it is, if you can wake up in it, you can get up from it to apprehend the more God has in store for you!

The greatest trick of the adversary is to get you to believe his lies about your life and future. The Bible says, he is a deceiver and accuser of the brethren. (Rev. 12:9-10) If he can get you to buy into his agenda, he will shut you down. Many of you have been sleeping on yourselves. You’ve become a spiritual narcoleptic because of the dreadful attacks and schemes of the enemy. But today, God is dispelling every lie to shift the way you think about you and utilize the power that is invested in you, to cultivate a better, stronger, and more enlightened you. This week, “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you.” (Eph. 1:18) May you wake up and get up each day in victory and a renewed vitality, to live and pursue life more abundantly!


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