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New Horizons!

Writer's picture: tamekiamiltontamekiamilton

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians‬ ‭3‬:‭17‬ ‭NIV‬‬

2024 was a glorious year filled with triumphs, trials, teachable moments, tests, growth, and transitions. Through it all, The Lord remained exceedingly FAITHFUL, as THE COVENANT KEEPING GOD HE IS! For that and so many other reasons, we give Him Praise and Glory!

On behalf Pastor Tamekia and TM Ministries & Enterprise, we honor the Lord for every opportunity to serve His Beloved and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to further the work of The Kingdom of God. Whether through communal engagement, ecclesial partnerships, corporate affiliations, or academic involvement, our mission and vision remains firm and sure.

Our focus and charge to see people #SpringForth  wholistically- (spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically, relationally, and financially) in the their God given identity and purpose, is the passion and promise of our existence.

To every individual, business, and organization who partner, sponsor, or have collaborated with us in any capacity, we thank you. Your generosity in time, presence, prayers, resources, and insights, continue to strengthen the efficacy of what we are chosen to do. We are better and have been formatively shaped through the impact of your contribution and the experiences shared.

As our hearts and minds are set to #GrowAndGo in Purpose, Promise, and Destiny, we anticipate the transcendent power and providence of God, propelling His people forward to NEW HORIZONS. We expect to see The Word, Will, and Plan of God ESTABLISHED, according to His Timing and Way!

May 2025 be the year you:

✨Align with Relentless Focus

✨Progress Beyond Logic

✨Prioritize the Nature of your Spirit

✨Rest in The Finished Work of God

✨Enjoy the Journey of Being and Becoming

2025 will be a notably different and a supernaturally defining year. God is bringing things together. It will be one of the Healthiest, Enriching, and Awe-Inspiring Years…It Already Is! Remember, I’m praying with you and for you. Now Go, Be Great and do Greater in God! Let’s Grow!🌱

Sincerely submitted from the heart and desk of ~Pastor Tamekia   

✨Be Blessed ✨Be Inspired ✨Live Empowered


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© 2021 Tamekia Milton Ministries

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