Mentoring Academy
Established and designed to foster the development and wellness of women and girls: spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
As a 3- part whole: spirit, soul, and body, individuals are not always aware or in touch with their full sense of self, let alone intentional about cultivating as caring for self. 3-D focuses on building women and girls from the inside out to foster self-esteem, nurture talents and gifts, and develops skills for communal and global leadership,
Through seminars, workshops, and community activities, 3-D promotes and maximizes the multifacetedness of each woman and girl being Divine, Determined, and Destined to function in purpose on purpose.

/dəˈvīn/ /dəˈvaɪn/
Of, from or like God

Displaying resolve

/ˈdestind/ /ˈdɛstɪnd/
Preordained to become