Are you ready to propel spiritually to another level in your faith and relationship with God? Are you looking to embark on achieving and manifesting "greater works," as God purposed and planned? If so, you are in the right place. With renowned speakers, intercessors, growth provoking worship, and a praying community, the Spring Forth Empowerment Prayer Summit 2024, is a must attend, "life-shifting" gathering. Join us for an empowering 3-days of impartation, activation, and elevation.
We are about to "Make It Happen" in Atlanta, GA,
March 14th - 16th at Refuge Community Church
4699 Ewing Rd, Austell, GA 30106
Let’s Grow!🌱

Prophet Jermaine


Your donation will contribute to the fruitful work, mission, and mandate of Spring Forth Empowerment Prayer Summit. Each growth investment furthers the impact of change spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically, in the lives of individuals around the world.
Thank you for your partnership in spreading the Good News and furthering the work of God’s Kingdom!

Spring Forth Empowerment Prayer Summit is not only an encounter, it's a destination. The Summit’s atmosphere and environment unlocks dreams, restores vision, and ignites purpose; as the Power of God is released through communal prayer, worship, Word impartation, and prophetic activation. This mission, mandate, and movement of God, was conceived to nurture, equip, and cultivate you to thrive wholistically- (spirit, mind, body, and soul); in purpose, on purpose.
Come learn and grow from esteemed speakers, industry experts, clinicians, and business professionals, who are all Believers. Whether you’re a an entrepreneur, CEO, parent, student, or someone figuring out life- truth be told, in some way, we all fall into that last category. The Good News is, Spring Forth Empowerment Prayer Summit is designed to meet you wherever you are, to empower you to Grow and Go, in the fullness of God.

Is this for me?
Spring Forth Empowerment Prayer Summit is for anyone looking to grow and go in God. At the Summit you will receive and experience divine strategies and practical wisdoms grounded in Christian Truth, to stimulate spiritual development, to maximize your purpose.
Can children attend the Spring Forth Empowerment Prayer Summit and will childcare be available?
We strongly recommend that you attend Spring Forth Empowerment Prayer Summit, kid-free. However, we are aware of the challenge that could arise in finding childcare. Registration is not required for children 12 and under. If a child is over 12, they must be registered for the Summit. We do not provide childcare. Therefore, children must always be under parental supervision.
Will there be a virtual option?
At this time, there are no plans for a virtual option. We hope to see you in the room!
What are the COVID-19 safety measures?
Your health and safety are our top priorities. Spring Forth Empowerment Prayer Summit will be in compliance with all protocols established by the hosting location and the national CDC guidelines. You are also welcome to wear PPE at your comfort level.
Can I get a refund on my registration?
All sales are final and non-refundable.