Despite obstacles, rejection, hurt, disappointment, and an array of other uncomfortable feelings that are/were not so kind and a bit harsh to the self; I withstood. By the grace of God, the sweet communion and power of Holy Spirit, prayer, my tribe/family, and an unprecedented amount of love, I didn’t and I won’t give up on me.
Mrs. Kelly Clarkston sang it best, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!” I have had some death-like and near death experiences. BUT, Jesus!!
Not sure who this is for but, HANG ON IN THERE. It’s always darkest right before the break of day! It will get better...It has to! GOD IS NOT PRESERVING YOU FOR NAUGHT! The thing about better is, it doesn’t also show up or appear in the form we expect or would possibly even want it to. The “saving,” “breakthrough” or “fix” you are looking for and in need of, just might show up opposite of what you have been praying. Yet, it manifests Better!
Better in your Mind, Better in your Spirit, Better in your Soul, Better in your Body, Better in your Circumstances, Better in your Condition (whether physical or emotional), and Better in your Life and Entire Being! I speak Better over you, in The Name of Jesus!
May your mind be renewed in view of Better! May you realize that what’s coming and for some of you who’s coming, is better than what’s been. May you be strengthened where you are, to “Stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD.” (Ex. 14:13)
Beloved, after you’ve done all you can and know to do, I encourage you to stand!Better is stored up for you! The gumption you have for bigger, better, and greater is not a figment of your imagination. Your spirit is inclined to more, because you are created for more!
Don’t Settle Until You See It!
I’m praying for you and I believe in you!