I was sitting at my desk and the thought came to mind, “You’ve Got What It Takes!“
Often times, we look at what we have, where we are, or even ourselves and diminish, discount, and discredit its value. Not realizing, that it’s significantly “more than enough” to execute, excel, and experience the purpose, promises, and plan God destined for our lives.
I want you to know that where you are right now, is where you need to be. You maybe at the point of discerning what’s next, regrouping from trauma or tragedy, healing through grief, or reclaiming yourself and identity. Even if it’s rough, rocky, or a little ratchet where you are, God specializes in taking what’s broken, frail, uncertain, sinful, and all around deplorable and transforming it into something so beautiful, amazing, and awe inspiring.
Not only will God use EVERY part of your story, for His glory, but You’ve Got What It Takes:
✨To Be The Person You Dreamed of Being
✨To Maximize Your Life Beyond it’s Current Status or Condition
✨To Bounce Back from Despair, Depression, and Defeat
✨To Seize Every Vision, Goal, and Aspiration Assigned to You
✨To Consistently Live Abundantly and Victoriously
Don’t misinterpret or step over “small beginnings” and short comings. “Who [with reason] despises the day of small things (beginnings)?” Zech. 4:10 AMP
“Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.” 1 John 4:4 (KJV) God is placing a demand on what’s in your hand, head, and heart. Be not intimidated, threatened, or dismayed by what you see or don’t see. “Feel the fear and do it anyway.” I need you to know, “You’ve Got What It Takes!” Now go forth…Because It’s Time!😉
✨Be Blessed ✨Be Inspired ✨Live Empowered