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Stay the Course!

Writer's picture: tamekiamiltontamekiamilton

If you want it bad enough, you’ll continue to work for it and towards it Whether in relationship, business, the making of your dreams, scholastic achievements, a better life, or the likes, It takes Spirit-led Stamina, Belief, Endurance, and Consistent Work, to see what you saw. As a Pastor and a Purpose Pusher, I am passionate about helping you grow and go in your God-given purpose, by providing you with spiritual insight and practical wisdom, to wholistically thrive on purpose in view of purpose. But, you have to stick with it. There will be detours, dilemmas, delays, disappointments, difficulties, dissatisfactions, and the lists goes on. Such can mislead you to think the work is worthless. Yet, I need you to know, regardless of our distinct paths, unique experiences, and respective journey’s, one thing I’m certain of, God- “I Am that I Am,” The Holy One, Jireh (The Provider), Rapha (The Healer), El Shaddai (God Almighty), The Promise Keeper, “will be with you.” He promised to, “never leave you nor forsake you.” Josh.‬ ‭1‬:‭5‬ ‭NIV‬‬ If we but, Stay the Course and Commit to Progress! In my personal life and in business, I have and attempted to “jump ship. ” I sought to leave a post, an assignment, or renege on goal against God’s instructions, many time. Why? Because the results weren’t adding up and the time frame didn’t look the way “I” suspected it should. I soon learned that God not only has an appointed time, He does His best work over time. What you are praying, believing, investing, and nurturing, takes time. It’s more than what you think. Listen, My journey in life “ain’t been no crystal stair.” Roadblocks, obstacles, challenge, change, hurt, abandonment, “-isms” (of all sorts), are a few things I endure. Yet, like you, each day, I have to consciously choose to purposefully align myself and my mind in truth. I seek to:

  • Rest in Truth.

  • Build in Truth.

  • Entertain The Truth.

  • Stand on The Promises of Truth.

  • Live Truthfully.

  • Because the truth of the matter is, anything outside of that is futile and fruitless.

Inspirer, I’m convinced that the inclination of our heart’s desire, coupled with faith, trust, and belief in God’s ability, extends the grace, strength, and courage to keep going. As Mental Health Awareness Month comes to an end, I invite you to renew your mind daily in view of what you’re thinking and how you’re thinking. Center your attention on the promise connected to the process. And, If you want it bad enough, you’ll continue work for it and towards it. Let’s Grow! Now Go…Be Great and Do Greater! *Be Blessed *Be Inspired *Live Empowered



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© 2021 Tamekia Milton Ministries

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