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Stand On It, For It, and By It!

Writer's picture: tamekiamiltontamekiamilton

When God gives you a Word, whether itโ€™s written or spoken, it is to establish you in His Perfect and Holy Will. A true Word from God and The Word of God brings clarity, correction, insight, direction, foresight, wisdom, peace, revelation, and rejuvenation; to live a righteous and fulfilled life of purpose, promise, and destiny.

Therefore, when you receive a Word from God, you can expect affirming activity on account of that Word, because God moves in agreement with His Word. ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿฝ He said, โ€œmy word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.โ€ (Is. 55:11 NIV)

The Word of God:

โœจIs Powerful (Heb. 4:12), over anything.

โœจIs Reliable (Is. 40:8), in everything.

โœจIs Hot & Strong (Jer. 23:30), enough.

โœจIs Brilliant & Intelligent (Prov. 2:6) Periodt!

โœจIs True (Ps. 119:160), in all things.

โœจGuides (Ps. 119:105), in everything.

โœจTeaches & Equips (2 Tim. 3:16)for everything.

โœจPropels (Jm. 1:23-25) toward better.

โœจProtects (Prov. 30:5), in every way.

โœจProduces (Lk. 8:11-15), everything.

โœจStrengthens (Ps. 119:28),all things.

โœจSustains (Matt. 7:24), all things.

โœจNourishes (Matt. 4:4), in every way.

I need you to know, that dream, vision, goal, desire, or aspiration you just canโ€™t seem to shake, itโ€™s grafted in Godโ€™s Word. It will not relent until you submit- to the Word!

God has given you a Word and is releasing instructions and preparatory commands by His Word, to further the Word over your life; Because Itโ€™s Time!

Itโ€™s time to see what God said and is saying, according to His Word. Stand On, For It, and By It. Remember, โ€œHeaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away,โ€ says the Lord. (Matt. 24: 35 (NIV)

โœจBe Blessed โœจBe Inspired โœจLive Empowered



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© 2021 Tamekia Milton Ministries

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