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Today Could Be The Day

Writer's picture: tamekiamiltontamekiamilton

Updated: Apr 6, 2021

Tamekia Milton

May you begin this week with exceeding joy as you envision the possibilities of what could

happen, Today! That dream you dreamed, that vision you perceive, that idea you’ve been

working on, that prayer you’ve prayed, that inner most desire of your heart could very well take its course in your life, Today!

In Act 1:7, Jesus said, “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority.” Which means, God choses to act in our lives on his own discretion. On any given day the Father can move, manifest, manipulate, or miraculously maneuver something on your behalf. This why many of you, while in the midst of a global pandemic, are seeing yourself prosper and being stretched in ways like never before. God is shifting your vision. He is heightening your gifting and creative wits. Not only has He given you insight, but now, it is also coming with some strategy and clarity. Dreams and goals are being fortified. Why? Because God uses the foolish things to confound the wise. While things around you may be uncertain and in disarray, God has appointed this time and this hour to do some of His best work in you, through you, and on behalf of you.

I hear the Spirt of the Lord saying, “I’m doing it for My Name Sake, at a time and in a manner

no one is expecting. Because, at the end of the day, ALL will see and know, ‘this is the Lord’s

doing and it is marvelous in our eyes.’” Each day welcomes the opportunity for God’s promises, purposes, and prophetic utterances to come to pass. Oh and they shall come to pass, at the appointed time! I am a living witness and you too can rest assured of this, because “God is not a human being, that he should lie or a mortal, that he should change his mind. Has he promised, and will he not do it?  Has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?” (Numb 23:19)

When we overlook or underestimate the value of Today, we minimize God as Omnipotent-

having ultimate power. Not only do we depreciate God’s Supremacy, but we also disavow the worth of Today. I believe this could be why Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:34, “take no thought for tomorrow, for tomorrow brings worries of its own.”

This week, May you purposefully live and pursue in view what God is speaking, has spoken,

and is yet revealing to your spirit. May you experience an increase in your faith and expectation of God, believing that on any given day, “Today Could Be The Day.”



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© 2021 Tamekia Milton Ministries

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