One of the most unconscious, careless things we do is cheat ourselves out of time.
Not only do we waste time, but we seek to speed up time.
Sometimes, I can be so advantageous to receive, create, build, or accomplish a goal, dream, or desire that God purposed in my heart, that I rob myself of apprehending and appreciating the beauty of everything, in it’s time. I think there’s reason why Scripture esteems patience as a virtue.
Beloved, we do ourselves such a disservice and miss far too many opportunities for full maturation, excellent execution, and divine development in our personal and professional lives, trying to quickly hustle our way through.
Wisdom says, “Careful planning puts you ahead in the long run; hurry and scurry puts you further behind.” Prov. 21:5 (MSG)
Inspirer, I invite you to take the time God gives you to plan, prepare, and be produced, for what He’s promised you.
Evolve through every lesson learn.
Extend grace to yourself.
Embrace who you are becoming.
Educate yourself for where you’re going.
Energize your spirit daily with The Truth.
Enjoy the journey.
Flow in the anointing. Flow in your gifting. Flow in your awareness. Flow in your intuition and creativity. Flow in peace. Flow in discernment. Flow in the leading of Holy Spirit.
You’re amazing. You are cut out for “this.” Keep going. There’s so much more! But you don’t have to rush to get there. It’ll happen. As a matter of fact, It’s happening!Please don’t get stuck or caught up in what you see or don’t see. Just Flow!
Let’s Grow!
I’m praying for you, I believe in you, and I can’t wait to celebrate with you!
Now Go…Be Great and Do Greater!
*Be Blessed *Be Inspired * Live Empowered